44 research outputs found

    Error Correcting Codes for Uncompressed Messages

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    Most types of messages we transmit (e.g., video, audio, images, text) are not fully compressed, since they do not have known efficient and information theoretically optimal compression algorithms. When transmitting such messages, standard error correcting codes fail to take advantage of the fact that messages are not fully compressed. We show that in this setting, it is sub-optimal to use standard error correction. We consider a model where there is a set of "valid messages" which the sender may send that may not be efficiently compressible, but where it is possible for the receiver to recognize valid messages. In this model, we construct a (probabilistic) encoding procedure that achieves better tradeoffs between data rates and error-resilience (compared to just applying a standard error correcting code). Additionally, our techniques yield improved efficiently decodable (probabilistic) codes for fully compressed messages (the standard setting where the set of valid messages is all binary strings) in the high-rate regime

    Locally Covert Learning

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    The goal of a covert learning algorithm is to learn a function f by querying it, while ensuring that an adversary, who sees all queries and their responses, is unable to (efficiently) learn any more about f than they could learn from random input-output pairs. We focus on a relaxation that we call local covertness, in which queries are distributed across k servers and we only limit what is learnable by k - 1 colluding servers. For any constant k, we give a locally covert algorithm for efficiently learning any Fourier-sparse function (technically, our notion of learning is improper, agnostic, and with respect to the uniform distribution). Our result holds unconditionally and for computationally unbounded adversaries. Prior to our work, such an algorithm was known only for the special case of O(log n)-juntas, and only with k = 2 servers [Yuval Ishai et al., 2019]. Our main technical observation is that the original Goldreich-Levin algorithm only utilizes i.i.d. pairs of correlated queries, where each half of every pair is uniformly random. We give a simple generalization of this algorithm in which pairs are replaced by k-tuples in which any k - 1 components are jointly uniform. The cost of this generalization is that the number of queries needed grows exponentially with k

    On the Complexity of Decomposable Randomized Encodings, Or: How Friendly Can a Garbling-Friendly PRF Be?

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    Counterexamples to the Low-Degree Conjecture

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    A conjecture of Hopkins (2018) posits that for certain high-dimensional hypothesis testing problems, no polynomial-time algorithm can outperform so-called "simple statistics", which are low-degree polynomials in the data. This conjecture formalizes the beliefs surrounding a line of recent work that seeks to understand statistical-versus-computational tradeoffs via the low-degree likelihood ratio. In this work, we refute the conjecture of Hopkins. However, our counterexample crucially exploits the specifics of the noise operator used in the conjecture, and we point out a simple way to modify the conjecture to rule out our counterexample. We also give an example illustrating that (even after the above modification), the symmetry assumption in the conjecture is necessary. These results do not undermine the low-degree framework for computational lower bounds, but rather aim to better understand what class of problems it is applicable to

    On Necessary Padding with IO

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    We show that the common proof technique of padding a circuit before IO obfuscation is sometimes necessary. That is, assuming indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) and one-way functions exist, we define samplers Sam_0, which outputs (aux_0, C_0), and Sam_1, which outputs (aux_1, C_1) such that: - The distributions (aux_0, iO(C_0)) and (aux_1, iO(C_1)) are perfectly distinguishable. - For padding s = poly(lambda)$, the distributions (aux_0, iO(C_0||0^s)) and (aux_1, iO(C_1||0^s)) are computationally indistinguishable. We note this refutes the recent Superfluous Padding Assumption of Brzuska and Mittelbach

    On Round-By-Round Soundness and State Restoration Attacks

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    We show that the recently introduced notion of round-by-round soundness for interactive proofs (Canetti et al.; STOC 2019) is equivalent to the notion of soundness against state restoration attacks (Ben-Sasson, Chiesa, and Spooner; TCC 2016). We also observe that neither notion is implied by the random-oracle security of the Fiat-Shamir transform

    The Parallel Repetition of Non-Signaling Games: Counterexamples and Dichotomy

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    Non-signaling games are an important object of study in the theory of computation, for their role both in quantum information and in (classical) cryptography. In this work, we study the behavior of these games under parallel repetition. We show that, unlike the situation both for classical games and for two-player non-signaling games, there are kk-player non-signaling games (for k3k \ge 3) whose values do not tend to 00 with sufficient parallel repetition. In fact, parallel repetition sometimes does not decrease their value whatsoever. We show that in general: 1. Every game\u27s non-signaling value under parallel repetition is either lower bounded by a positive constant or decreases exponentially with the number of repetitions. 2. Exponential decrease occurs if and only if the game\u27s sub-non-signaling value (Lancien and Winter, CJTCS \u2716) is less than 11

    Faster Sounder Succinct Arguments and IOPs

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    Succinct arguments allow a prover to convince a verifier that a given statement is true, using an extremely short proof. A major bottleneck that has been the focus of a large body of work is in reducing the overhead incurred by the prover in order to prove correctness of the computation. By overhead we refer to the cost of proving correctness, divided by the cost of the original computation. In this work, for a large class of Boolean circuits C=C(x,w)C=C(x,w), we construct succinct arguments for the language {x:w  C(x,w)=1}\{ x : \exists w\; C(x,w)=1\}, with 2λ2^{-\lambda} soundness error, and with prover overhead polylog(λ)\mathsf{polylog}(\lambda). This result relies on the existence of (sub-exponentially secure) linear-size computable collision-resistant hash functions. The class of Boolean circuits that we can handle includes circuits with a repeated sub-structure, which arise in natural applications such as batch computation/verification, hashing and related block chain applications. The succinct argument is obtained by constructing \emph{interactive oracle proofs} for the same class of languages, with polylog(λ)\mathsf{polylog}(\lambda) prover overhead, and soundness error 2λ2^{-\lambda}. Prior to our work, the best IOPs for Boolean circuits either had prover overhead of polylog(C)\mathsf{polylog}(|C|) based on efficient PCPs due to Ben-Sasson et al. (STOC, 2013) or poly(λ)\mathsf{poly}(\lambda) due to Rothblum and Ron-Zewi (STOC, 2022)

    Locally Covert Learning

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    The goal of a covert learning algorithm is to learn a function ff by querying it, while ensuring that an adversary, who sees all queries and their responses, is unable to (efficiently) learn any more about ff than they could learn from random input-output pairs. We focus on a relaxation that we call local covertness, in which queries are distributed across kk servers and we only limit what is learnable by k1k - 1 colluding servers. For any constant kk, we give a locally covert algorithm for efficiently learning any Fourier-sparse function (technically, our notion of learning is improper, agnostic, and with respect to the uniform distribution). Our result holds unconditionally and for computationally unbounded adversaries. Prior to our work, such an algorithm was known only for the special case of O(logn)O(\log n)-juntas, and only with k=2k = 2 servers, Ishai et al. (Crypto 2019). Our main technical observation is that the original Goldreich-Levin algorithm only utilizes i.i.d. pairs of correlated queries, where each half of every pair is uniformly random. We give a simple generalization of this algorithm in which pairs are replaced by kk-tuples in which any k1k - 1 components are jointly uniform. The cost of this generalization is that the number of queries needed grows exponentially with kk

    Cryptographic Hashing From Strong One-Way Functions

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    Constructing collision-resistant hash families (CRHFs) from one-way functions is a long-standing open problem and source of frustration in theoretical cryptography. In fact, there are strong negative results: black-box separations from one-way functions that are 2(1o(1))n2^{-(1-o(1))n}-secure against polynomial time adversaries (Simon, EUROCRYPT \u2798) and even from indistinguishability obfuscation (Asharov and Segev, FOCS \u2715). In this work, we formulate a mild strengthening of exponentially secure one-way functions, and we construct CRHFs from such functions. Specifically, our security notion requires that every polynomial time algorithm has at most 2nω(log(n))2^{-n - \omega(\log(n))} probability of inverting two independent challenges. More generally, we consider the problem of simultaneously inverting kk functions f1,,fkf_1,\ldots, f_k, which we say constitute a ``one-way product function\u27\u27 (OWPF). We show that sufficiently hard OWPFs yield hash families that are multi-input correlation intractable (Canetti, Goldreich, and Halevi, STOC \u2798) with respect to all sparse (bounded arity) output relations. Additionally assuming indistinguishability obfuscation, we construct hash families that achieve a broader notion of correlation intractability, extending the recent work of Kalai, Rothblum, and Rothblum (CRYPTO \u2717). In particular, these families are sufficient to instantiate the Fiat-Shamir heuristic in the plain model for a natural class of interactive proofs. An interesting consequence of our results is a potential new avenue for bypassing black-box separations. In particular, proving (with necessarily non-black-box techniques) that parallel repetition amplifies the hardness of specific one-way functions -- for example, all one-way permutations -- suffices to directly bypass Simon\u27s impossibility result